Supporting Ukrainian Refugees
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Oleksii Project

Dude where's my car?

Oleksii is a friend from Jukendo (an obscure japanese martial art). Despite being as old as Simon he has rejoined the Ukraine army to help defend against the invading Russians.

Ewa's Dad likes the outfits.
At the beginning of the war Simon checked with our Ukrainian friends if they needed help with getting their families out and told them if they needed anything to let us know and we would do what we could. Oleksii finally decided there was something that the unit needed; a van for moving their equipment around.

We also sent some training gear. Can't wait to see the border guards face when he realises we are sending the Ukraine army wooden swords and guns.
This would require buying a van, stocking it up, having someone drive it into Ukraine and doing paperwork. Oh so much paperwork. At the border customs are trying to prevent people from taking cars in and selling them to desperate Ukrainians etc.

This was by far our most complex project so far.