At Jurowiecka we met Iza, she runs an organisation for people with long-term mental problems
and she had decided to put together bags to give out for the Orthodox Easter.
Cheetos are an "occasional" breakfast item
We helped pack bags etc and gave them to families. Mostly of practical things but also some overly sugary items.
Perhaps more people than we expected...
Bialystok is a comparatively out of the way and small city and not a lot of the Ukrainian
refugees have come up here if they are in need of aid. Mostly the people coming here have contacts, places to stay etc. I think all of them came out for the Easter bags.
Ewa spent a lot of time helping fill the bags and hand them out.
Much hilarity ensued when the only Ukraine speaker in the room looked at a sign saying
"Happy Christmas" and said "yep that is Ukranian", an hour later she realised it was celebrating the wrong holiday.
Google Translate is not -completely- reliable
It was an interesting lesson in logistics and checking translations.