Supporting Ukrainian Refugees
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Food Truck Project

Everyone needs a fun day occasionally

There was a food truck festival in Bialystok. We had 1000 vouchers printed up for a free meal at any of the trucks and distributed them to people coming through the aid centre at Jurowiecka 21 and the orphanage where a lot of the unaccompanied Ukraine kids are (we gave the Polish orphanage kids vouchers too because we are not evil monsters).

We figured after a month of this they would enjoy something fun to do rather than just getting the bare necessities of life from the centre. We funded this one ourselves.

The good weather was just luck

We messed up in many ways on this one; No way of authenticating which vouchers had been given out and used or unused. Not enough communication with the people in the food trucks from the guy organising the festival etc.

Admittedly this was an idea one night and reality the next but we learned a lot of lessons from it.